
If you’d like to extend the peace of your massage – or simply “surface” before you return to the world – consider visiting Pewee’s Central Park, located directly east of the office (behind the Little Colonel and Town Hall). This little gem of a park is the product of considerable effort and vision. Its last incarnation was the local swamp – not an intentional swamp – just low, forgotten ground that stayed underwater long after the rain had gone. Now the water is rerouted, a gorgeous bioswale of ever-changing flowers adds color, and water-permeable paths guide you. Directly behind Town Hall is a tiny koi pond; if you’d like food for the koi, it’s here in my office.

I hope you’ll take a few moments before or after (or both!) to expand the peace and restfulness of your massage.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” Aristotle